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Young Professionals

Leadership is grown in community.

Young Christian businessmen need a network of both career-minded peers and seasoned business executives who will provide biblical coaching to find their purpose and unite their faith with their career goals.

The CBMC Young Professionals designed to empower businessmen under 40 to grow as Christian business leaders.

Groups meet monthly to learn from respected speakers, fellowship with peers, and develop as men of God together. Each group is led by a trained CBMC Leadership Coach with a seasoned business background and solid spiritual maturity.

Each group is led by a trained CBMC Leadership Coach with a seasoned business background and solid spiritual maturity. Members enjoy an environment of confidentiality, trust, friendship and long-term accountability … like having their own personal board of advisors. The objective is to help each man grow spiritually as they understand and live out God’s plan for their lives.

Groups meet monthly for 3 hours. Most groups continue meeting for years.

$125 / mo

3 Objectives of YP Groups


Help each man grow closer to Christ, knowing how to discern His will and confidently apply biblical guidance in every area of life.


Create a cohort of mission-minded businessmen who will challenge and encourage each other to excel as Christian leaders in the marketplace.


Impart practical wisdom and experience from respected business and community leaders.

Do I belong in a CBMC Young Professionals Group?

If the answer is yes to many of these questions, you are likely a good fit.

Young Professionals Teams

Young Professional Group 1

0 Spots Open

2nd Thursdays @ 7:30 am
Olsson Associates
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Young Professional Group 2

4 Spots Open

4th Mondays @ 6:00pm
Shiloh Adventures
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Young Professional Group 3

7 Spots Open

2nd Tuesdays @ 7:30 am
Regent Bank - Edmond
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Young Professional Group 5

12 Spots Open

3rd Tuesdays @ 5:30pm
CEC offices
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